This unit is divided into two parts again, one for the content and the articles related to different topics, and the other part for the grammatical and the linguistic part.
This post is about the first part of Unit 2: "The Values of Inclusive Education". This section of the unit is composed of three tasks.
The first one was about an article called "Inspiring students with learning disabilities", which talks about the most common disabilities that we can find teaching and how to inspire the students to learn even they have disabilities. In the article, it's presented a man of 25 years old who was diagnosed with dyslexia when he was at school, Jon Gore. The article tells us all the problems and the difficulties that he has had to pass when he was at school and all the difficulties that, even now, he keeps suffering.
But also the article gives solutions and indications to face this kind of disability and give to the students a normal education.
It talks about too of other disabilities that make difficult the teaching-learning process and it tells one thing that we think is very interesting and is that being exposed to another language is positive for the students and it helps to improve their abilities and their learning capacity.
The two remaining tasks have been related to digital resources.
The second one is about to teach vocabulary through digital tools and interactive games. The task has consisted of creating an own digital activity to teach vocabulary in the ESL Classroom and, to do that, in the Moodle were different examples and pages of teaching techniques and digital resources. Also to create the activity, in the explanation it was a website to create different resources and it was very good and interesting because there are a lot of games and examples, and it works fine and is intuitive and easy to use. This is the website: English Teaching Ideas
And then, to finish this part of the unit, it's the third task: evaluate Digital resources for SEN students. This task has consisted of finding a digital tool you would like to use in your classroom and explore it, then evaluate the tool following the instructions.
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